Hoe gaat u van data naar inzicht? En hoe gaat u om met grote hoeveelheden data, de noodzaak van storytelling, data science en de data artist? Lex Pierik behandelt de stromingen in datavisualisatie, dashboards en grafieken en de rol en functie van visualisatie binnen organisaties. U doet hands-on ervaring op in de workshop Data Driven Storytelling dat onderdeel uitmaakt van deze waardevolle dag.
James Archer presents a complete process for uncovering the real requirements, and communicating them them clearly and unambiguously for traditional, outsourced or agile development. The workshop shows you how to define the scope of the business problem, to involve stakeholders, to use today’s techniques to learn what the business really needs, to find better ways to do the work, to communicate effectively and to write testable, unambiguous requirements and stories that deliver the right product.
Het nieuwste architectuurprincipe microservices lijkt veelbelovend: verkorte time-to-market, schaalbaarheid, autonomie, uitwisselbaarheid van technologie en van databases. Daarbij zijn de uitdagingen bij het succesvol implementeren van microservices groot. Hoe worden microservices ontworpen, ontwikkeld en uiteindelijk in productie genomen? En wat maakt een component of service uiteindelijk een microservice? Hoe verandert de samenwerking tussen analisten, ontwikkelaars, testers en beheerders als een organisatie omschakelt? Waardevol seminar over deze veelbelovende technologie.
This seminar looks at the requirements to be able to define, govern, manage and share trusted high quality information in a hybrid computing environment. It also explores a new approach of how IT data architects, business users and IT developers can collaborate together in designing, building and managing a logical data lake to get control of your data. This includes introducing a data refinery and information catalog to produce and publish enterprise data services for consumption across your company.
A 3-day dimensional data modelling course presented internationally by leading data warehousing expert and author Lawrence Corr, covering the latest agile techniques for systematically gathering Business Intelligence (BI) requirements and designing effective DW/BI systems. Practical, hands-on workshop based on 7W, star schema and BEAM approach.
What is the role of business analysis in Agile projects? Business analysis is investigating the work of the business, and finding both the problems to be corrected and better solutions for the business processes. Business analysis is a combination of modelling, systemic thinking, innovating, communicating, project analysis, persuasion and several other analytical skills.
This course gives you the skills and tools to become a better business analyst: more flexible, more nimble, more effective, and more focused on solving the right problem and delivering real value.