Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence conference in which we cover topics such as Data mesh, Analytics & Data Science, Cloud Data Warehousing, Data Governance, DataOps, Data modelling. Seize the opportunity to discuss and network with thought leaders in DW/BI such as Alec Sharp, Donald Farmer, Barry Devlin, John O’Brien, Rick van der Lans and many others. Access to the conference recordings.
Becoming data driven will not be achieved by acquiring new technologies and tools alone. It requires a holistic transformation of existing business models involving culture change, process redesign and a step change in data management capabilities. A realistic roadmap which spells out what an organisation must do to achieve its data goals and aspirations is essential. This seminar by Nigel Turner will outline the practical steps needed to produce an achievable data strategy and plan, and how to ensure that it becomes a living and agile blueprint for digital change.
[Virtual half day] In our digital age many organisations aspire to become data driven and are investing heavily in new technologies to make it happen. But this investment will not deliver its promised riches unless the data itself on which it depends is fit for purpose and of the required quality in terms of its accuracy, completeness and reliability. This workshop will help you identify data quality problems and their impact in your organisation. Nigel Turner will guide you through a simple five step approach to deliver and sustain improvements. It really can be as simple as A to E.
[In-person or Online] The DAMA DMBoK2 describes 11 disciplines of Data Management, with Data Governance being at the heart of all of these. The Certified Data Management Professional (CDMP) qualification provides a pathway for the introductory level (Associate) through higher levels of attainment. This course provides you with the knowledge, methods and techniques required to analyse, mature and implement information management solutions within your organisation. It gives a solid grounding in all the different disciplines of Data Management. Additionally, this course by Chris Bradley prepares for the CDMP Data Management Fundamentals (DMF) examination.
This highly participative data modelling workshop by Alec Sharp covers Entity-Relationship modelling from a non-technical perspective, provides tips and guidelines for the analyst, and explores contextual, conceptual, and detailed modelling techniques that maximize user involvement. It provides techniques for improving communication between data modelers and subject matter experts. Topics will be covered with a discussion of the issue, a review of guidelines and examples, a workshop exercise, and a group solution and debriefing.
[Live] Hoe gaat u van data naar inzicht? En hoe gaat u om met grote hoeveelheden data, de noodzaak van storytelling, data science en de data artist? Lex Pierik behandelt de stromingen in datavisualisatie, dashboards en grafieken en de rol en functie van visualisatie binnen organisaties. U doet hands-on ervaring op in de workshop Human Data Stories dat onderdeel uitmaakt van deze waardevolle dag.
Business processes matter, because business processes are how value is delivered. Understanding how to work with business processes is now a core skill for business analysts, process and application architects, functional area managers, and even corporate executives. This three day workshop by BPM-guru Alec Sharp shows how to discover and scope a business process, clarify its context, model its workflow with progressive detail, assess it, and transition to the design of a new process by determining, verifying, and documenting its essential characteristics. Everything is backed up with real-world examples, and clear, repeatable guidelines.