Datavisualisatie en Data Driven Storytelling

[Online workshop] Hoe gaat u van data naar inzicht? En hoe gaat u om met grote hoeveelheden data, de noodzaak van storytelling, data science en de data artist? Lex Pierik behandelt de stromingen in datavisualisatie, dashboards en grafieken en de rol en functie van visualisatie binnen organisaties. U doet hands-on ervaring op in de workshop Data Driven Storytelling dat onderdeel uitmaakt van deze waardevolle dag.

Datavisualisatie – Dashboards and Data Storytelling

Hoe gaat u van data naar inzicht? En hoe gaat u om met grote hoeveelheden data, de noodzaak van storytelling en data science? Lex Pierik behandelt de stromingen in datavisualisatie, dashboards en grafieken, de belangrijkste producten en de rol en functie van datavisualisatie binnen organisaties. U doet hands-on ervaring op in de twee workshops die onderdeel uitmaken van deze waardevolle dag.

Hybride Applicatie Integratie

[Online seminar] Applicatieintegratie gaat over het ordentelijk, efficiënt en toekomstbestendig inregelen van alle informatiestromen tussen informatiesystemen. Bij deze sessie ligt de focus op de onderliggende techniek. Techniek die er voor zorgt dat gegevensuitwisseling robuust verloopt en aan de gestelde performance-eisen voldoet. Tijdens deze halfdaagse online sessie wordt u volledig bijgepraat over de evoluties en trends in de wereld van applicatieintegratie. Met name de combinatie van ESB’s, cloudgebaseerd iPaas platformen met API management platformen leiden tot het vrij nieuwe concept van Hybride Integratie Platformen.

Cloud Data Warehousing

[Online seminar] What are use cases for Cloud Data Warehousing and what is the best approach? During this half day online session by expert Rogier Werschkull you will get a clear picture of the different aspects of Cloud Data Warehousing. Architecture and design principles, technology overview, available tools, practical approach, implementation aspects and best practices. A compact yet high yield seminar.

Ontwerpen van een Nieuwe Data Architectuur

Organizations need data science, self-service BI, embedded BI, edge analytics, and customer-driven BI. For many, it is the key reason to develop a new, future-proof data architecture. This two-day seminar discusses how to design a modern data architecture. Guidelines, roadmaps, design criteria, tips, design rules, use cases, case studies, and practical examples are discussed extensively.

The T-Shaped Professional

[Online tutorial] Applying skills outside your data-related expertise is an excellent way to achieve your core Data Management goals. This tutorial introduces the essentials of being “T-shaped,” including the soft skills that are at the heart of the concept.

Business-oriented Data Modelling Masterclass

[Online workshop] This highly participative data modelling workshop by Alec Sharp covers Entity-Relationship modelling from a non-technical perspective, provides tips and guidelines for the analyst, and explores contextual, conceptual, and detailed modelling techniques that maximize user involvement. It provides techniques for improving communication between data modelers and subject matter experts. Topics will be covered with a discussion of the issue, a review of guidelines and examples, a workshop exercise, and a group solution and debriefing.

How to Revamp your BI and Analytics for AI-based Solutions

In this half-day virtual session, Dr Barry Devlin explores what will enable you to take full advantage of emerging AI technology in your decision-making environment. Starting from BI and Analytics, we position traditional and emerging BI and analytics tools and techniques in the practical application of AI. Based on new models of decision making at the organisational and personal levels, we examine where to apply augmentation and automation in the roll-out of AI.